terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2010


A professora Fernanda Timm publicou, há algum tempo, artigo em periódico argentino. A divulgação deste trabalho chegou ao outro lado do mundo, de onde partiu o convite para sua participação (palestra) em evento na China, na cidade de Lanzhou.
Mesmo sem poder se afastar de Porto Alegre, fica a satisfação pelo reconhecimento de seu trabalho!

Subject: EPS Global 1st International Rational Clinical Medication Forum
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 16:08:10 +0800


We are pleased to invite you to attend EPS Global 1st International Clinical Pharmacology and Rational Clinical Medication Forum, which will be held in Lanzhou, China during August 6-8, 2010.

We would like you to participate in this meeting as our guest speaker and present your recent work and ideas of "The Effect of Mycoplasma and Mycoplasma Removal Agent on the Hydrolase Activity in Fibroblasts of Patients with Lysosomal Diseases". that were published in Rev Argent Microbiol. This is one of the high profile and interesting studies we wish to invite to our meeting and we hope it will have benefit to you as well as to our growing scientific community.

The forum will be hosted by EPS Global Medical Development Inc. (EPS) and Lanzhou University Second Hospital. Based in Canada, EPS highlights worldwide medical academic exchanges and has gained high reputation in the world. The large gathering of world-leading experts and the outstanding scientific program will make the conference the highest-level international event in China.

We believe this conference will greatly promote international academic exchange and cooperation in Clinical Pharmacology and Rational Clinical Medication.

The conference venue is in Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu Province in China.

Geographically, Lanzhou is located at the central point of China, along with the Yellow River and adjacent to the Tibetan Plateau in north-western China. Lanzhou was a hub of the Silk Road in ancient China. It boasts the abundance of historic heritages and colorfulness of local national cultures. Lanzhou is also a rapidly developing modern city. The vibrant and colorful city life will be attractive and intoxicate you, enhancing your stay in this city.
We cordially welcome you to Lanzhou, China!
Yao Lu, MD, PhD
EPS Global Medical Development Inc.
YELLOW RIVER  (Lanzhou - China)

Um comentário:

  1. Как говорилось на Seexi.net В 1931 г. Никола Тесла продемонстрировал публике загадочный автомобиль. Из роскошного лимузина извлекли бензиновый двигатель и установили электромотор. Потом Тесла на глазах у публики поместил под капот невзрачную коробочку, из коей торчали 2 стерженька, и подключил ее к двигателю. Сказав: «Теперь мы имеем энергию», Тесла сел за руль и поехал. Машину испытывали неделю. Она развивала скорость до 150 км/ч и, похоже, абсолютно не нуждалась в подзарядке. Все спрашивали Тесла : «Откуда берется энергия?» Он отвечал: «Из эфира». Наверное, мы сегодня уже бы ездили на автомобилях с вечным двигателем, в случае в случае если бы те – давние -- зрители не заговорили о нечистой силе. Рассердившийся ученый вынул загадочную коробку из автомобиля и унес в лабораторию. Тайна ее не разгадана до сих пор.
